We’ll be tweeting throughout the entire journey @ThePanAmerica, but our less official, perhaps less appropriate, tweets will happen on our personal accounts.
Gary – The Driver
Follow @FlyinFrenchie Not only the Captain of the entire project, Gary will also be the lead driver of the trip. Shortly after receiving his license, he was actually an instructor for a high performance driving school. His skills will come in handy in the lot lizard slalom course, the emergency rest stop power slide challenge, and the roadkill drag races.
Matt – The Mechanic
Follow @mattnanas Although he’s the most capable mechanic of the group, that’s really not much of an accomplishment. Armed with a roll of duct tape, a fist full of zip ties and a AAA card, Matt will be responsible for reattaching car parts, in addition to body parts during our travels.
Trent – The Storyteller
Follow @DJTront Trent’s ability to continually speak, even when nobody’s listening, will certainly come in handy while traversing that less exciting group of states with the straight lines for borders. Also, as the acting Director of Apologies, Trent’s goal will be to keep us from being chased out of wherever we are at the time.
Rob – The Wild Card (Also, our legal team)
Follow @robrobol Yes . . . a real life attorney, despite all evidence to the contrary. Rob is his own doppelganger, and he does not negotiate with terrorists. He will most likely be the reason we get into trouble, however when all the others fail, he will somehow always be the one to save the day. Attorney at Law, Warrior Poet, The Wild Card.
Mike – The Pit Crew
Follow @Geekrocker Supporting the rest of the crew from the comfort of his own couch, Mike knows all the social medias and is ready to hop on a plane to replace anyone who gets lost on this trip. And it’s almost like he’s in the car anyways because he ate Oreos in it a few days ago and the crumbs will always be with us.