Off and Running (Day 1)

We started the journey, and what a journey it’s been so far. Our 5 am departure was pretty amazing, but the trip sort of began about four hours before that . . . when we started packing the car. We think we did a great job, and if you want to have the same success we did in your own car packing, here’s what you do:

Step 1-Put all of your stuff in the car.
Step 2-Look at your stuff and see how it fills the entire trunk and the entire backseat.
Step 3-Take everything out of the car and put it on the ground, then add the things you forgot on the first attempt to the pile.
Step 4-Walk away while shaking your head.

It is really awesome how generous our sponsors have been, but finding a place for all the awesome toys they sent us wasn’t easy. We ended up taking everything out the packaging and somehow managed to shoehorn it all in the car. All in all, it took about an hour and a half and got us all nice and ready to catch a couple of zzz prior to go time.

The Departure

A brief respite followed by an even briefer departure. Grateful to have been greeted by friends and loved ones. We departed with spirits high and stomachs empty. A lone tear cascaded down Rob’s cheek as he realized “I left my quesadilla on the boat.” We were off!

The Ticket

Even though he did give Matt a ticket, AZ State Trooper Jaynes was actually a really nice guy. He seemed to appreciate what we were doing and even let us take a picture with him and his cruiser. We gave him an ALS Association wristband and one of our cards, if a donation happens to come in in his name, it would probably be the greatest speeding ticket story ever.

The Grand Freaking Canyon

It’s big. Actually it’s bigger than we expected and there’s not too much we can say about it, you kind of have to see it for yourself. Then again, it’s a just a big hole in the ground, so what else can you say.


Before the trip began, the four of us sat down and discussed various daily rituals that would be mandatory during our journey. Gary suggested the most beautiful idea yet: each night we would stop whatever it was that we were doing (even if it was mid pit-stop for Rob), we would open a bottle of wine from Gilles’s personal collection, toast to the day, and take in the sunset. Together. This was a tradition we would be carrying on in honor of Gary’s father. Each night, when on his boat, Gilles and his crew would partake in this exact same ritual.

We had not prepared for the intricate planning this may involve.
The sun was setting, The PanAmerica was driving in the middle of nowhere, with plastic cups from the gas station and a warm bottle of wine in the trunk, Trent suggested pulling off the freeway and finding a way up the hill. A few minutes, no roads, and stumbling upon a dirt trail found the crew with little options. We chose to take the trail. Winding up the unlabeled “roads,” we found ourselves questioning the potential safety of what we were doing. But the sunset toast WOULD be made.

One car drove by. Rob offered a cheerful ‘hello,’ and the couple quietly drove past. Ruh roh. A second vehicle approached. The driver was much friendlier and asked what we were up to because we clearly were “not from around here.” This is how we met Donnel, a Navajo descendant with roots firmly planted in Apache, Zuni, German and Irish culture. He joined the toast, we shared a multitude of laughs, and we brought in the warm summer night together. First day nearing its end and we found ourselves making a friend we would always remember.

He offered us a parting gift as we climbed back into the car: a “petrified rock.” Being without a corkscrew, Rob was forced to skillfully open the wine bottle with a stone. Donnel figured we’d require something a bit sturdier and offered us his stone instead.
It will absolutely remain with us for the remainder of the trip. . . but we did buy a corkscrew at Target the following day since, you know, bashing open wine bottles seems a bit unnecessary.

Zero Hour, 5 AM

Che che che che check a check it out!

We got the car back last night from Sticker City, and isn’t it AWESOME? At first we thought making the car any more visible was only going to increase the chance of getting pulled over, but this looks so legit that state troopers will never guess we’re just a bunch of idiots on a joy ride!

The Going Away Party

Tonight, we’ll be relaxing in the Marina and mentally preparing to be stuck in the car for two weeks.  For those of you who are Friday night traffic driving distance from the California Yacht Club, please come by and join us.  We hope to arrive there between 7:30 and 8:00 and depart around 5:00 the next morning, unless none of us can sleep, and we decide to take off at 1:30.

CA Yacht Club:4469 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292

More Sponsorship Love

A week or so back, we got word from Las Vegas Suites that they were on board.  Last night when we were stressing out and trying to figure out where we would be staying in Key West, LVS came through for us big time and took care of it all. 

Click on their logo below to check them out, and add them to your personal list of awesomeness, please.

Our Last Night in Our Own Beds

Oh là là là là là là …

Our french speaking followers should check out French Morning Edition Nationale and see who is on the front page. (If you can’t read French, don’t worry you can figure it out by the picture.)A few weeks ago, we had great chat with the lovely écrivain, Noémie Taylor, and last night, the article was published.  We are extremely excited about it and honored that they found us newsworthy prior to our inevitable “indiscretions” in Alabama. (Mais, c’est une autre paire de manches.) In fact, we have already been contacted by a handful of other French media folks who read the article and are interested!
The Google Translated Page will get you the gist if you need it. And the direct link to the article is here (just in case something exciting happens and steals our current top billing)
Hello New Bed Partners!

Tonight will be the last night we all get to sleep in our own beds, except for Rob who gave up his own bed long ago when he decided that his inner Spirit Animal feels more comfortable on the floor.  Tomorrow, the Crew will be slumbering together at the starting line in preparation for a 5:00 am departure on Saturday. There may be some unintentional spooning, there may be some intentional spooning, who knows?