Author Archives: matt37

$10k Down

From the bottom of all of our hearts, the entire PanAmerica Crew would like to thank everyone who is already involved and showing us this incredible support. We’ve been excited about this trip and hopeful that others would be excited too, but none of us thought that we would hit our fundraising goal nearly a […]

An Aerodynamic Head

A little while ago, we made a pledge. If we could raise $500 by our deadline, we would shave Trent’s head. If we could raise $1,000 in that same amount of time, we would shave only part of Trent’s head. Well, you guys came through for us and we ended up getting the $500, but just shy […]

World ALS Day

Today is World ALS Day. Since this is my (Gary Galerne) first post on here, I am going to make this very personal, because I think you deserve it. If you’re here, you have an idea of what ALS is.  If you don’t, a quick click through our website (The-Cause) or a Google search will tell you what it […]