Oh là là là là là là … Our french speaking followers should check out French Morning Edition Nationale and see who is on the front page. (If you can’t read French, don’t worry you can figure it out by the picture.)A few weeks ago, we had great chat with the lovely écrivain, Noémie Taylor, and last night, the article was published. We are extremely excited about it and honored that they found us newsworthy prior to our inevitable “indiscretions” in Alabama. (Mais, c’est une autre paire de manches.) In fact, we have already been contacted by a handful of other French media folks who read the article and are interested! The Google Translated Page will get you the gist if you need it. And the direct link to the article is here (just in case something exciting happens and steals our current top billing) http://frenchmorning.com/quatre-amis-traversent-les-etats-unis-contre-la-maladie-de-charcot/ |
Hello New Bed Partners! Tonight will be the last night we all get to sleep in our own beds, except for Rob who gave up his own bed long ago when he decided that his inner Spirit Animal feels more comfortable on the floor. Tomorrow, the Crew will be slumbering together at the starting line in preparation for a 5:00 am departure on Saturday. There may be some unintentional spooning, there may be some intentional spooning, who knows? |